2012年9月15日 星期六

Sew Sweetness: Tula Pink 'Space Dust' Quilt


Tula Pink's new quilt pattern, 'Space Dust' recently came out, and honestly, I couldn't wait to make it. I really did not have time to start another project, but I thought 'well, I'll just finish this in a couple days and it won't throw me too much off track.' Ha!

This is a paper-pieced pattern, available here. Before you go through to the link and get sticker shock, yes, the pattern is $24.95. But let me cut you off. The pattern is a pdf, which means you can have instant gratification. Also, it contains 44 templates for paper piecing. This is NOT a quilt pattern that will use, say, 4 templates and repeat them through the entire quilt. Oh, no. You are getting 44 individual and unique blocks. You can tell that the pattern designer spent a ton of time working out the logistics of this pattern. It is well worth the price.

 Image of Space Dust - PDF Pattern

I really wanted to make mine in Tula's new 'The Birds and the Bees' fabric line, just like the quilt in the pattern. Desperately. However, a) I haven't received my fabric in the mail yet, and b) While the quilt would be beyond beautiful, it wouldn't test my creative boundaries, so I decided to make mine in Kona solids in rainbow colors, with a texty background. Who doesn't love text fabric. The thread that I used to make this quilt is lovely Aurifil 50 wt. thread.

Can you see the amazing quilting on Tula's quilt? If only Angela Walters would quilt mine for me! lol. This is just perfect. The quilting is the other half of this quilt's perfection. Unfortunately, I don't have time in the books to quilt this until probably next year ::sob:: I would like to quilt inside the triangles like the original quilt, however, I know I can't pull off all the fancy quilting on the background. ;-)

Also significant to mention is that I opted not to make the full-sized quilt (pattern makes an 88" x 96" quilt). My squared-off version runs approximately 60" x 60". One day this sucker will be a wall hanging. I may add a small bit of background to the sides still, but I'm super-happy with how it came out. FYI in case you decide to make this square like I did, I used 1 yard of background fabric (although I really did not have enough and sort of had to fudge near the end, so I'd recommend you purchase 1-1/2 yards of background fabric if you're going to make the same size quilt that I did).

From start to finish, this quilt took me 8 hours to make, but I was really burning rubber. I'm not telling you my project time in order to rush you through it, because it really should be savored, but rather, I'm letting you know because I want you to know that this project is definitely within reach. Even if you have never paper-pieced before, you WILL be able to do this!! Tula's instructions are extremely helpful and spot-on, there are tons of diagrams on how to paper piece the blocks, and most of the blocks are only 3-5 segments, so not a ton of work. Because of the random nature of the segments, this also is a very forgiving quilt. Of course you'll have to square up the rows, but you definitely won't need to do much lining up as you sew your blocks into rows...a definite plus!!

So what do I say? If you're new to paper-piecing...get this. If you've done paper-piecing before...you need this pattern. You will not be sorry. So go get it. :-)


Sew Sweetness: Tula Pink 'Space Dust' Quilt: Tula Pink's  new quilt pattern,  'Space Dust'  recently came out, and honestly, I couldn't wait to make it. I really did not have time to s...

2012年9月8日 星期六

畫皮2012 [Itfriend Vietsub] Painted Skin II- Họa Bì 2


相片: [起司羅宋麵包]
最近推出的起司羅宋試吃廣受好評,不過有些人聽都沒聽過,那小編就在這提供圖片,好讓大家見見他的藝術照吧~! 哈哈!
值得一提的是阿摩爾的麵包體非常有嚼勁,真是個外酥內扎實的好麵包~呵呵 XD阿摩爾烘焙工坊 - Taichung, Taiwan


1.真的一吃成主顧= AMOUR阿摩爾 【起司羅宋】推翻我之前對羅宋麵包的口感+風味  ; 阿摩爾 讓人吮指回味

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而且烤後再吃, 香氣吸引了樓上的父母 , 3人吃了第一口後,欲罷不能+依依不捨的吃完 , 不止口腔没變酸, 咬感輕鬆不粘牙 , 真是老少咸宜 ,回購率高的常青商品 
3.包裝精美大方, 第一印象 =全家都滿意..就是不知卡路里....會不會爆表 , 全家人吃完AMOUR的起士羅宋 , 來杯黑麥汁+綜合水果  = 午餐結束 , 省錢+美味...
4.  整體而言:  一如 [AMOUR阿摩爾烘培坊] 在FB 所述說 的 "使命" = 本店以供應安心食用之烘焙產品為主打產品,產品有各式蛋糕與點心等此外,產品隨季節變化推出新鮮食材,本店講究新鮮、不含塑化劑為訴求,要讓顧客吃得安心,買得放心。真是名副其實0~0
4.  我想下次回台中時,會撥空去選購 阿摩爾烘焙坊的起司羅宋[一個30元,5個100元]  +其他 麵包/蛋糕 & 推薦給大家 , 多多參與 鼓勵+購買 好吃又捨得用好原料 作風的烘焙坊,謝謝!!

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